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maverick deva naidu



Activate Your Strengths

Activate Your Strengths

Watch Episode 1  for free + immediately increase control in your life.

It will offer you a small glimpse and taste of what you will experience and attain. 


Expect a heightened level of engagement and a powerful toolkit.

This is about you

How to find what is right about you

How to use that more

You don't have to mimic anyone else anymore.


Someone else's formula for achievement is not sustainable.

How to recognise your personal strengths, dial up its use and make things happen.


How to achieve a quantum jump in your self determination levels,

via understanding what your true purpose is. 


How to use your values to lead yourself and make the right choices.


How to design triggers to ensure you take massive action to manifest your goals.

The MAVERICK Programme will show you how via the RE | AL | ISE Model


You can attain exponential results on your own terms







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What the Maverick Programme contains

Episode 2

Your 360 Strength | What is inspiring about you?

Higher productivity by mapping your future self and recognising when you were at your best

Episode 3

Self Determination Code | Leading into self mastery

Build resilience by using this scientific framework and 1 story from your life

Episode 4

The Goal | The Essence of Clarity

Scale achievement via these 5 steps and an unique way to keep you on mission

Episode 5

Multiple Pathways | The Science of Momentum

Take relentless action by discovering these 4 steps for true motivation & intelligent strategy




We will discuss how to execute beautifully using your heightened state of flow, enabling exponential new results and sensibilities. We will discuss how to use energy management and recovery to keep you on your path and to ensure you overcome obstacles


5 Weekly Streamed events. 1 per module to support and guide you to ensure you fully benefit from the programme


The remaining event will be your GRADUATION


Whereupon you will complete your personalised My Maverick Playbook


You will also feel a sense of accomplishment for completing the programme and fulfilling the promise made to yourself





The last decade, cutting edge research has identified, that by instilling positive psychology in life and work


You can expect superior performance


In a sustainable manner


Combine the above with a personal plan that promotes excellence and purpose


A Maverick Strengths approach will include;


  • A scientific and real world framework to encourage individual flourishing and energised activity.


  • Developing pathways to action that is measurable, personal and integrated to your objectives.



Enabling outstanding outcomes in a meaningful and exciting life and career.

In a world of relentless pressure, constant change and new competition


What do you do extraordinarily well?


Do you know as yet?


In a world of relentless pressure, constant change and new competition


What do you do extraordinarily well?


Do you know as yet?


Deva Naidu

Founder & Head Coach - Maverick+

Positive Leadership & Entrepreneurial CEO Coach



I have been coaching for over 19 years, throughout Ireland, UK and Australia.


I focus on strengths, positive psychology and entrepreneurial leadership to

help people and businesses excel.


Researched positive leadership choices for entrepreneurial CEOs at University of Oxford.


Read Leadership at Henley Business School in the UK and Management at the Irish Management Institute in Ireland.


Studied Applied Positive Psychology and qualified as a positive psychology coach with Dr. Robert Biswas - Diener.


I previously worked as a country head for a global talent consultancy, country manager for a boutique private equity firm, a strategic adviser to an Irish political leader, a headhunter, trainer, as an actor, a serial entrepreneur and a self defense instructor for 1 day. (Ask me what happened)!


Above all things I am dedicated to activating people’s strengths, to helping create more leaders, that are instilled with the spirit and science of positive leadership.

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