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Activate Your Strengths



Activate Your Strengths


Everyday you have a choice, an opportunity to turn towards your values. Using your strengths to really dial it up, check out our FAQ video to see how you can access New Activations.

Maverick+ Programme


MAVERICK+ Curriculum

Episode 2

Your 360 Strength | What is inspiring about you?

Higher productivity by mapping your future self and recognising when you were at your best

Episode 3

Self Determination Code | Leading into self mastery?

Build resilience by using this scientific framework and 1 story from your life

Episode 4

The Goal | The Essence of Clarity

Scale achievement via these 5 steps and an unique way to keep you on mission

Episode 5

Multiple Pathways | The Science of Momentum

Take relentless action by discovering these 4 steps for true motivation & intelligent strategy


We will discuss how to execute beautifully using your heightened state of flow, enabling exponential new results and sensibilities. We will discuss how to use energy management and recovery to keep you on your path and to ensure you overcome obstacles

5 Weekly Streamed events. 1 per module to support and guide you to ensure you fully benefit from the programme

The remaining event will be your GRADUATION

Whereupon you will complete your personalised My Maverick Playbook


You will also feel a sense of accomplishment for completing the programme and fulfilling the promise made to yourself

MAVERICK+ Programme

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